Your Employer's Responsibility To Keep You Safe

23 December 2014
 Categories: , Blog


When it comes to workplace safety, it's a team effort. It is both the responsibility of you and your employer to ensure you remain safe on the job. Most employees have a clear understanding of what their role in ensuring safety involves; however, their information isn't as clear when it comes to exactly what their employer's role is.

Familiarizing yourself with this information can help ensure your employer is meeting their end of the bargain and keeping you safe:

Safe Working Environment

The primary responsibility of your employer is to ensure that you have a safe environment to perform your job. Exactly what is required in this category depends on the type of job you are performing. For example, in a factory, a safe environment might include designed pathways for pedestrians and designated pathways for motor vehicles.

In an office environment, this might include having adequate lighting to ensure you are able to see your computer and contents of your desk. In a nutshell, your work environment should be designed around the idea of keeping you protected.

Safe Equipment

It's also the responsibility of your employer to ensure that you have safe equipment to work with. This is especially true if you are using equipment that is potentially hazardous. For example, in a medical office setting, safety equipment might include gloves and hand sanitizer.

On a construction site, safety equipment includes hard hats. Safe equipment has some not so obvious areas, as well. For instance, an employer that forces employees to use a copy machine that has an electrical short is considered a violation. The fact that there is the risk of electric shock makes this equipment unsafe.

Safety Violation

In the event that your employer is not providing you with a safe environment to work in or the right type of equipment and you are injured, a workers compensation attorney can assist you. The role of an attorney is to help you receive compensation for your current injuries, but also whatever financial needs you have going forward concerning the issue.

There is a misconception that an attorney can only assist you if you have significant injuries; however, an attorney can assist you even if you have minor injuries. The attorney can ensure you get the compensation you both need and deserve.

When it comes to your safety remember that you have the right to speak up. If you are concerned about a hazard on your job, make sure you are addressing this matter with your employer right away. Remember, your safety depends on it.