What To Do When You Need An Affordable Personal Injury Attorney

29 December 2016
 Categories: Law, Blog


Dealing with an accident that was caused by the negligence of someone else can be a very difficult thing.  The fallout can be brutal, since not only do you have to nurse yourself back to health, but you also have to deal with the legal ramifications of the matter.  The frequent back and forth with the other party's insurance company can take its toll on you and you may feel completely overwhelmed.  This is where a good lawyer comes into play.  However, money may also be an issue.  Use this information to learn more about the steps you can take to get a budget-friendly personal injury attorney.

Your Local Legal Aide Society May Be Able To Help

One of the first things you should do when you're seeking affordable legal help is to contact your local legal aide society.  These organizations are designed to assist people who need quality legal care when they don't have a lot of funds.

Legal aide societies can be a lifesaver when you're in a pinch.  They simplify the process for you quite a bit by handling a number of steps all in one place.  You can speak with a worker there who will consult with you to find out the details of your particular situation.  Once they have this information, they can then go through their directory to find a lawyer who takes on cases that match your description.  They'll put you in touch with the attorney and the two of you can begin working together from there.

Because legal aide societies are funded by sources such as grants and anonymous donors, this allows them to take care of a good portion of the attorney's fees.  You may be pleasantly surprised to find that with the help of a legal aid society, you're able to afford a lawyer when you never thought you'd be able to.

Seek Out A Pro Bono Lawyer

A pro bono attorney is one who represents clients free of charge.  They lend their services to people with all kinds of cases and don't require any money to assist them.  Because their services are in high demand, it's important to be persistent.  Take the time to call around to a number of local law firms until you find an attorney who is willing to help you on a pro bono basis.

Getting affordable legal assistance is within your reach.  Start using these tips today, so you can get a lawyer without breaking the bank.