Once you've made the smart decision to hire a personal injury attorney to handle your accident, you can allow yourself time to heal and get your life back to normal. Your attorney will take the lead and lift the majority of the burden of dealing with the wreck from you. You can, however, greatly increase your chances of success by working as a team with your attorney. Read to find out how you can help your case by taking a team approach.
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Some car accident proceedings are simple. Your insurance company writes you a check to fix the damage, you have your car repaired, and everyone moves on. Unfortunately, a lot of car accident claims are far more complicated than this. You may find that you have to hire a law firm to help you navigate this process and receive the funds to which you are entitled. Here are four signs that you should hire an attorney following your accident.
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Is there something that you believe can make your life easier if the product actually existed? Rather than waiting around for someone to invent the product, consider inventing it on your own. With the right guidance and taking a few important steps, you can become an inventor and possibly make a lot of money from the product. Just keep in mind that everything can go down the drain if you don't take the right legal steps during the process.
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The first thing that pops into many people's heads when they get injured is "lawsuit," but you should know that not only is that not always to best way to deal with an issue, but it is also not always necessary. When you take another party to court, it an be an expensive and very time-consuming process, so read on to learn more about some ways to get the money damages you are due without going to court.
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Many people believe that a failed blood alcohol test automatically means that they have no defense against a DUI charge. The truth is that there are some situations where you can still present a legitimate and sound defense. Instead of resigning yourself to the charges and not fighting, talk with a DUI defense attorney about these questions.
Did The Officer Have Reasonable Probable Cause?
In most cases, there must be probable cause before a police officer can actually pull you over.
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