Can Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Affect Your Job?

23 December 2019
 Categories: Law, Blog

Once the decision to file for bankruptcy is made, you might begin to have some second thoughts. You may already understand that filing will affect your credit, but you may worry about its effect on your career. To get more information about how chapter 7 bankruptcy could affect things with your employer, read on. How Will They Know? In most cases, your current employer has no ready way of knowing about the bankruptcy unless you tell them about it. Read More 

A Few Reasons To Hire A Divorce Lawyer Even When Things Seem Friendly

26 November 2019
 Categories: Law, Blog

Unfortunately, divorce is a reality. The good news is that the process of ending a marriage is not always difficult. You may be able to file all the paperwork yourself and simply wait for the judge to sign it. You may also have a paralegal take care of the paperwork for you to ensure everything is done properly and any filing or notice requirements are completed on time. This type of divorce can be accomplished without an attorney, even if one party does not want the marriage to end. Read More 

Need To Fix Your Vehicle? You Might Need A Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney

29 October 2019
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you recently filed an accident claim with your insurance company, you might expect to fix your old vehicle right away. But if your insurer won't cover the full cost of repairs to your vehicle, contact a motor vehicle accident attorney right away. A motor vehicle accident attorney can help you receive the repairs and any other compensation you need without the stress. Why Won't Your Insurer Pay All That You Need? Read More 

Things To Do When Trying To Relocate Your Family To A New Country

1 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you are trying to move your family to a new country and become legal citizens, there is a lot that you are going to have to do. This is a big decision, and it comes with a lot of things that you need to do in order to not only make it a reality but to make it a smooth transition for everyone. Here are a few of the things that you need to do when you are trying to relocate your family to a new country. Read More 

Three Things To Know About Dividing a House During a Divorce

29 August 2019
 Categories: Law, Blog

It is not terribly difficult to divide furniture and personal possessions in a divorce, but it is difficult to divide a house. When a couple gets divorced, they cannot just cut the house in half and each take the side they prefer. Instead, one spouse or the other will get the house, or they will end up selling it. If you are about to go through a divorce and are wondering how this works, here are three vital things to understand. Read More